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Davos是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Davos.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Davos是什么意思 Davos在线翻译 Davos什么意思 Davos的意思 Davos的翻译 Davos的解释 Davos的发音 Davos的同义词 Davos的反义词 Davos的例句 DavosDavos 基本解释


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1. Davos的近义词

1. 达弗斯:温家宝是在瑞士东部渡假胜地达弗斯(Davos)举行的WEF年会做专题演讲时,在回答主持人、WEF创办人兼执行 ...中国国务院总理温家宝28日在世界经济论坛(WEF)年会上说,去年底以来,从新贷款增加等例子,中国经济已经看到一些复苏的迹象.


2. 达沃斯(酒店):intuitively: 直观地 | Davos: 达沃斯(酒店) | clog: 堵塞

Davos 双语例句

1. At this year\'s Davos pow-wow, Bill Gates said Microsoft was thinking about a move into online micropayments.

2. The bill for running Davos and the forum`s other events around the world was also high.

3. Following on from the Davos dinner in January, when 40 important and influential women (OK, 39 and me) met to discuss Millennium Development Goal 5, a ladies` lunch was held in London in March by Sarah Brown and Carla Bruni.
继此之后,Sarah Brown 和 Carla Bruni 3月又在伦敦招待举行了一次女性午餐会。

4. MESAGO has been appointed by BURDA Publishing as the official representative and corporate partner in China for DLD Digital Design Lifestyle - the highest international digital forum and part of the World Economic Forum in Davos and as the organizer of DLD CHINA.
美沙被德国 BURDA 出版集团指定为 DLD (数码-生活-设计)论坛在中国的官方代表和合作伙伴以及 DLD 中国的主办方。DLD 论坛是最高端的国际数码论坛和达沃斯世界经济论坛的组成部分。

5. Nmesago has been appointed by burda publishing as the official representative and corporate partner in china for dld digital design lifestyle - the highest international digital forum and part of the world economic forum in davos and as the organizer of dld china.
美沙被德国 burda 出版集团指定为 dld (数码-生活-设计)论坛在中国的官方代表和合作伙伴以及 dld 中国的主办方。dld 论坛是最高端的国际数码论坛和达沃斯世界经济论坛的组成部分。

6. Davos是什么意思

6. On sunny Hainan Island, China itself hosts the Boao Forum, which it wants to become an Asian version of the Davos World Economic Forum.

7. Inside Davos Man, there is his predecessor and possible successor always struggling to get out.

8. This is my principal lesson from Davos.

9. Tourism resorts such as St. Moritz, Davos and Flims are proud of having a more than 100 year tradition in tourism and hospitality.

10. For the World Economic Forum, the annual meet-and-greet in Davos for the international business and political elite, these are the best and the worst of times.

11. It is time for Mr Goodnight to get in his car and drive to Stansted airport, where his private jet is waiting to take him on to Davos.

12. One session at Davos was devoted to the prospect of drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic.

13. Davos

13. That was how the RED Campaign was born, here in Davos.

14. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Davos Dorf cheap.

15. Davos is made of 100% cotton twist yarn and it is great for all types of stitching.

16. Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Davos Dorf with hot deals and special offers.

17. Davos的意思

17. Davos is not unique in this respect.

18. And China will be central to many of the discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

19. One of the top issues this week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, was climate change.

20. The discussion which took place in Davos, Switzerland among...

Davos 单语例句Davos

1. It was not clear late Monday if Medvedev would still give the opening address Wednesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

2. The World Economic Forum annual meeting at Davos drew to a close on Sunday after four days of vibrant debate with China in the spotlight.

3. The shadow of disruptions to energy flows crept across an otherwise sanguine meeting in Davos.

4. The DCA has contributed to two aid projects since it was set up in 2004 at the World Economic Forum\'s annual meeting in Davos.

5. Bell, a delegate of the Summer Davos and professor at Tsinghua University.

6. A symposium at the Summer Davos Forum sought to \" demystify Asia\'s entrepreneurs \".

7. TIANJIN - Business leaders and scholars defended China\'s domestic investment environment and government procurement policy at the Summer Davos Forum that opened on Monday.

8. The domino effect of the 2010 Summer Davos is likely to have a wide and profound impact on the city\'s economic development.

9. The Green Davos concept was suggested by WEF\'s Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab, who said energy saving and environmental protection remained dominant themes of world economic development.

10. Munich Conference on Security Policy is an annual event dubbed the \" Davos Forum \" in the field of security.

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本文链接: http://davos.immuno-online.com/view-699233.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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